Shannen Doherty Has to Go Back on Chemotherapy in Latest Battle With Stage 4 Cancer

The '90210' alum faces the unknown with hope and determination in the latest chapter of her ongoing battles with stage 4 breast cancer and a public divorce.

AceShowbiz - Shannen Doherty, famously known for her roles in "Beverly Hills, 90210" and "Charmed", is facing a daunting new chapter in her life. On a recent episode of her "Let's Be Clear" podcast, Doherty revealed she must undergo chemotherapy once again, owing to changes in the makeup and progression of her stage 4 breast cancer.

"I thought I was fine. I am having to go back on chemo and it's really hard, like the idea of going through that all over again has wrecked me," Doherty shared, her voice laden with emotion.

This time, she has to get a port in her chest for the chemo administration, a procedure she previously found both physically and emotionally draining. "It's really hard. Like, the idea of going through that all over again has wrecked me. It becomes very real in an incredibly different way," she said.

Her journey with cancer began back in 2015 and although she achieved remission in 2017, the cancer returned in 2019 as stage 4. The fight has been relentless, and now she faces the new reality of chemotherapy with her family and health top of mind.

"Because I have no idea how long I'm going to be on the chemo for, I have no idea if it's going to be for three months, if it's going to be six months or if after three months and it's not working, if we're going to change again," she admitted. "That's not something that I can predict, it's not something my doctors can predict. And it's scary. It's like a big wake-up call. But at the same time, there is some positivity there."

Despite the uncertainty, Doherty feels hopeful owing to advancements in treatment protocols. "For the first time in a couple months probably, I feel more hopeful," she shared, although clouded with some sadness about the unknown effects of the chemo. "There is hope mixed with my own bit of sadness because again, I don't know what these chemos . . . I don't know how I'm going to feel."

Doherty is also navigating a public divorce from Kurt Iswarienko, her husband of 11 years. She filed for divorce in April 2023 and asked the court to mandate spousal support and cover legal expenses.

This personal turmoil, compounded with her health battle, adds layers to her struggle. "Between divorce and cancer, it's like I have no grasp on it and I have no control. And most people who know me know that I'm like a control freak. I like to control things," she said.

In her determination, Doherty aims to prove that life, even amidst terminal cancer, is vibrant and full of potential. "I'm not done with living. I'm not done with loving. I'm not done with creating. I'm not done with hopefully changing things for the better," Doherty explained with characteristic candidness and wit. Every day is a gift she cherishes deeply, focusing on her faith and gratitude.

As she forges ahead, she reflects, "When you have cancer, everything is more poignant, and the sky is bluer. I know it sounds cheesy and crazy, but you're just more aware of everything, and you feel so blessed." Doherty's journey of resilience and hope continues to inspire many as she embraces each moment with gratitude and grace.

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