'General Hospital' Stands with Tabyana Ali Against Racism

'General Hospital' star Tabyana Ali confronts online racism with grace and dignity, receiving overwhelming support from her onscreen television colleagues and network.

AceShowbiz - Addressing an alarming wave of racist comments on her social media, "General Hospital" actress Tabyana Ali made a stand against hate. With poise and strength, Ali took to Twitter to send a message of peace and understanding, although she's been fighting an uphill battle with online bigotry.

Ali, who has portrayed Trina Robinson since 2022, shared a heartfelt thread on June 9, reflecting on the vitriol directed at her. "To anyone that hates me. That's absolutely fine," she wrote. "I don't know you and you don't me, but regardless I'm sending you peace, safety, and prosperity… I also pray you touch some grass, see the sun, eat a delicious meal, and find something to do. Peace and love."

The response from the soap opera community was swift and unequivocal. "General Hospital" itself released a statement on Instagram, emphasizing, "General Hospital does not tolerate hatred or bigotry of any kind. Racism has no place in Port Charles." This stance was warmly received by Ali, who tweeted, "I appreciate you so much ABC/GH."

Colleagues rallied behind her, offering fervent support. Maura West, who plays Ava Jerome and shares an on-screen bond with Ali, tweeted, "I love you, Tabyana. I admire your strength and loving, open heart. You are a shining example of the best of humanity." Lydia Look echoed similar sentiments, writing, "Love! You go sis. Show them what you're made of. Pure Love, that's what."

Reflecting further on the situation, Ali added, "Okay this is the last time I'm going to speak on this today, but we cannot be feeding into people's hate. We cannot be giving it back. We cannot stoop to rude/racist people's level. It doesn't help. We are fighting too many wars as it is. I believe we will have our world peace."

She encouraged those spreading hate to find positive activities, "If you found something you loved to do other than hurting people, you would never have the energy to say what you've been saying to people ONLINE!"

Fellow performer Nancy Lee Grahn expressed solidarity with Ali, condemning the online abuse, "You hide behind a profile pic & spew hatred & racism at Tabyana, you spew it at every cast member of General Hospital & we condemn & reject it. We stand by our friend & colleague in her dignified & gracious response. There's no place for racism of any kind in our beloved GH community."

Ali's words and the rallying support from her colleagues highlight a crucial stance against racism and the resilience needed to combat online hatred. Her bravery and compassion serve as an inspiring example, reminding everyone that negativity can be faced with dignity and love.

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