Jon Stewart Delivers Scathing Reaction to the Biden-Trump Debate
Comedy Central

Late-night hosts unleash a barrage of jokes after last night's presidential debate, with Jon Stewart delivering a particularly brutal commentary on 'The Daily Show'.

AceShowbiz - The recent presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump proved to be a goldmine for late-night comedy, sparking fiery reactions from Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show" and Martin Short, standing in for Jimmy Kimmel on his show. Jon Stewart didn't hold back in his critique, highlighting a series of perceived failings from both candidates.

Stewart bluntly described the debate as, "This cannot be real life! It just can't! F**k! We're America!" This raw sentiment set the tone for an evening filled with pointed humor and candid reflections. Stewart highlighted Biden's visible struggle and frequent lapses, joking, "Need to call a real estate agent in New Zealand."

However, he didn't reserve his criticism solely for Biden. Stewart also took aim at Trump, accusing him of a litany of falsehoods. "Everything that Donald Trump said in that clip is a lie," he declared. Stewart's disdain was clear as he suggested the candidates might benefit from performance-enhancing drugs.

The viewing audience felt a palpable sense of collective anxiety, particularly when Stewart played a clip of Biden appearing to blank out. The host captured the audience's shared sentiment with the quip, "A lot of people have resting 25th Amendment face." This joke crystalized the unnerving realism of the candidates' performances and the subsequent national panic.

Martin Short, stepping in for Jimmy Kimmel, brought his unique brand of humor to the table, appearing as his character Jiminy Glick. Short's humorous take included a "Musical Salute to Donald Trump" and a jab at the debate's moderators, suggesting he could have done a better job himself. His performance provided a lighter yet equally critical perspective on the night’s proceedings.

Stewart's pointed satire was echoed by pundits and commentators on CNN. John King and Van Jones shared Stewart's criticism, casting Biden's performance as a pivotal misstep. King described a "very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party," while Jones emotionally remarked, "I love Joe Biden...But he had a chance to restore confidence of the country and of the base and he failed to do that."

The debate left a deep impression on both critics and viewers alike, symbolized by Stewart's cutting summary of the mood, "This cannot be real life. It just can't. We're America!" As the nation looks to future debates, the question remains whether the candidates can step up to meet the moment.

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