Chuck Episode 1.07 Chuck Versus the Alma Mater
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Chuck Episode 1.07 Chuck Versus the Alma Mater

Episode Premiere
May 19, 2008
Comedy, Action
Production Company
College Hill, The WB, Wonderland Sound & Vision
Official Site
Episode Premiere
May 19, 2008
Comedy, Action
2007 - 2012
Production Co
College Hill, The WB, Wonderland Sound & Vision
Official Site
Patrick Norris
Anne Cofell Saunders
Main Cast
Additional Cast
  • Scott Alan Smith
  • Matthew Bomer as Bryce Larkin
  • Shawn Huang
  • Jill Czarnowski
  • Coronado Romero
  • Vinny Chhibber
  • Jame Lowe

At Stanford, Professor Fleming lectures on subliminal encoding. He spies a big man enter the hall as the class is leaving, so he grabs his briefcase and runs into his office. While scooping stuff into his briefcase he makes a call, using code name Black Castle. He's made a mistake by copying intel onto a disk - now they're after it. He disappears down a trap door in the closet as the big guy busts through the door.

Morgan appeals to Chuck for help with Harry. Harry is lording over everyone in his monogrammed Assistant Manager shirt with new strict rules, and has Morgan in his sights. Chuck is surprised to learn that the guy who expelled him from Stanford, Fleming, is CIA and has gone missing. Beckman thinks he's fled to L.A., and asks for Chuck's help to bring him in. Chuck tells her to find someone else to help.

Captain Awesome's frat buddies are gathered in the courtyard. Ellie explains that they are preparing to caravan up to Stanford for a football game, and they got him a ticket. Chuck begs off - he's done with Stanford. Chuck pulls a photo of him and Bryce out of a box of Stanford memorabilia and flashes back to the day in 2003 when he packed his things and left his fraternity. He asks Bryce why he betrayed him, but Bryce insists Chuck did it to himself.

Chuck flashes on his Stanford ID then runs to ask Casey why his file is in the Intersect. Neither Casey nor Sarah knows. They suggest that Chuck ask Fleming, who's now being hunted by Icelandic free agent, Magnus, whose signature is the crossbow. Fleming is in Hollywood, and Casey demands Chuck help bring him in. Chuck flashes back to the moment Fleming accused him of stealing test answers from his office. Chuck denied it, but Fleming sided with his informant, Bryce.

Anna leads a Fingers of Fury contest pitting Lester against champion Morgan, when Harry appears to turn off the wall of TVs with his new master remote, banishing Morgan to clean the diaper changing station. Casey and Sarah tell Chuck to stay in the car, but he sees Fleming. Fleming runs until he realizes Chuck is with the Company, telling him next time to use the code phrase, "Are you coming to the toga party?"

Chuck asks Fleming why he had a file on him at Stanford. Fleming says "I'm sorry," and hugs Chuck, but only because he has an arrow in his back. He hands Chuck a list of numbers for Bryce. Fleming collapses on top of Chuck as another arrow pins the list to the ground, and Magnus retrieves it. Fleming survives, but is headed to surgery, and Chuck can't remember the numbers.

Ellie finds a Stanford library book that's been overdue for four years, but Chuck still refuses to return to his alma mater. Chuck flashes back to playing spy games in the library with Bryce and realizes that the numbers on Fleming's note are Dewey Decimal numbers belonging to a book in the Stanford library - Fleming must have stashed his disk there in Bryce's secret spot. Now he has to go back to school.

Chuck walks across campus with Sarah and Casey. It's harder than he thought to come back. Bryce had four years to make it right between them, and Chuck still doesn't know why he didn't. Casey had taken the liberty of reactivating Chuck's ID so they can enter the library, bringing up a red flag on the library computer. Meanwhile, Morgan hatches a plan to steal the master remote out of Harry's locker, and Anna volunteers to be the distraction.

Chuck finds the hidden disk when a librarian interrupts, claiming Chuck owes over $300 in late fees. Magnus then appears with a crossbow and some goons to do battle. They run to Fleming's lecture hall to check the contents of the disk: ten years of files on students recruited into the CIA by Fleming. There's a file on Chuck, but Sarah tells him not to look as Magnus and his goons descend. Chuck takes the disk and runs.

Lester betrays Morgan to Harry, who promotes Lester, and sends Morgan to "the hole." Morgan calls Chuck to find out the code to Harry's master remote, then blackmails Harry into taking him out of the hole. Chuck starts calling students listed on Fleming's disk, asking them to come to the toga party with lots of fire power. Student recruits appear to defeat Magnus and his goons.

Back at home, Sarah comes to collect the disk, but Chuck needs to know what's in his file. He finds a video of Bryce and Fleming. Bryce is furious that Fleming has already put Chuck on the recruitment track. Chuck is too good hearted, he won't survive. Chuck aced the test, so he's in no matter what. Bryce theorizes that if Chuck cheated on the test, it would invalidate his results. Chuck realizes that Bryce framed him to save him, and couldn't tell because he was already in the CIA.

Now Chuck believes that Bryce might have had good reason to break into the Intersect and send it to him. Sarah tells Chuck not to tell anyone and to destroy the disk. Chuck retrieves his Stanford memorabilia out of the garbage, and flashes back to his freshman year, the day he met Bryce for the first time. They bond over computer geek stuff, which Chuck admits doesn't play well with chicks. Bryce says he knows the perfect girl, Jill, and offers to introduce Chuck to her.