Bebe Rexha Shares Candid Details of PCOS Symptoms, Weight Gain and Body Positivity

The 'Meant to Be' singer courageously opens up about her struggles with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), its physical and emotional impact, and her journey towards body acceptance.

AceShowbiz - Bebe Rexha, the acclaimed singer, has been vocal about her struggles with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), shedding light on a condition that affects millions but is seldom discussed openly.

In a recent TikTok video, Bebe, 34, shared her painful and often debilitating symptoms with her 8.5 million followers. The "Meant to Be" singer revealed that her first indication of PCOS was extremely irregular periods, sometimes lasting 20 days straight. "Super, super irregular," she said.

Weight gain has been another significant challenge for Bebe. She explained, "My doctor once told me that a woman with PCOS can eat a bowl of blueberries and it would be equivalent to like a normal person eating a whole pie of pizza." This struggle was compounded by severe ovarian cysts, which once landed her in urgent care. "I was in so much pain. My doctor thought it was an appendicitis, it was so bad," Bebe shared.

Bebe's candid conversation did not stop at her symptoms. She also discussed the heavy emotional toll that comes with public scrutiny and body shaming. On "The Jennifer Hudson Show", Bebe recounted the hurtful comments about her rapid weight gain following her PCOS diagnosis in 2022. "It's one of the leading causes of why women gain weight and are obese, and I literally jumped, like, 30 pounds so quickly-maybe a little bit more," she said.

Despite the physical pain and emotional struggles, Bebe's journey reflects a deeper issue in society. She recalled moments from her early career when industry expectations forced her into unhealthy diet practices. "When I first got signed, they said to me, 'Are you ready to get into bootcamp shape? Because you need to lose 20 pounds to do this career,' " she told Gayle King on the SiriusXM show.

Bebe's experience echoes the sentiments of many women with PCOS. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that up to 12% of people with ovaries in their reproductive years are affected by this hormonal disorder. Common symptoms include irregular periods, weight gain and acne, making diagnosis and management challenging.

One crucial message Bebe conveys is the importance of support and understanding. "It's important who you keep around you. There’ve been so many times on red carpets where I felt so ugly because I had all this negativity around me," she said. Now, she focuses on positivity and love, encouraging others to do the same.

Bebe's transparency about her PCOS journey brings valuable awareness to a condition that remains poorly understood and often stigmatized. Her story is a call to action for better education, support and compassionate treatment of those living with PCOS.

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