Seven Pounds Comments

  • Seven Pounds
    • Genre : Drama
    • Release Date :
    • MPAA Rating : PG-13
    • Duration : -
    • Production Budget : -
    • Studio : Columbia Pictures
    • Official Site :
    • Reviews Rate
      Nothing's perfect, but it's worth seeing.

    • Readers Rate
      4 of 5


    Nov 05, 2012


    Bri sampson
    Jun 26, 2012

    This movie is very touching and u can tell that will so much heart and emotion in it and it felt so real and heartfelt . I applaud him so much . Keep up the AWESOME work

    surati ivey
    Jan 22, 2011

    Will Smith is an absolutely arresting actor ! a very touching soulful film. LOved it, loved the casting, the continuity was just about flawless. I cried & cried, & somehow felt blessed.

    Dec 15, 2010

    Excellent movie. Touching story. A man gives his life for other people. Beautiful movie

    Dec 19, 2009

    this movie is seriously the top example for catharsis! really great! very powerful! i STRONGLY recommend it!

    Dec 18, 2009

    amazing movie. just finished and it really grabs you and makes you think, which i love. totally recommended

    Nov 28, 2009

    the movie is about the merit and unworthiness of our material and spiritual wealth

    j4y boo-boo
    Oct 21, 2009

    the movie seven pounds was so brillant i cryed laughed and got angry that movie touched me in so many ways.

    Oct 16, 2009

    this and the usual suspects have the most brilliant endings ever in my personal opinion. see them both.

    Jul 15, 2009


    ur mom
    Jul 14, 2009

    its was the best movie i have ever seen. i never cry in movies. but this almost did it. it was so heart first im like what an a-hole but then as the movie went on im like wow. honestly the saddest part of the whole movie(me and my sister agree)is when she sees the inez with will's eyes. and the sad slow piano music in the background.....that almost made me crack at that scene. i had to grab the remote and shut it off the music was so sad. i thikn that will smith played a very good role in tis movie. how he was a donor and gave his life to the ones he cared for. im only 13 but i think this s*it was the best!

    Jun 08, 2009

    best movie i have ever seen... was so touched, the concept was amazing, critics donty know what they are talking bout. AMAZING!! I LOVE WILL!!

    Apr 27, 2009

    By far the best movie I've even watched in my life! I almost cried! I only wish that the entire world could watch this movie.

    Apr 25, 2009

    This movie is very touching but a tad depressing.Well actually it's a very sad movie, but it's very good and i would watch it again.

    Apr 25, 2009

    One of the best movies I have seen in recent times. This has been pretty much the second movie that has made me cry and incidently the first one was Pursuit of Happyness by Will Smith (the scene where they have to spend the night in a subway restroom). Music is great and I bought the sound track the same day...

    Apr 21, 2009

    i have never cried so hard during a movie. wow i LOVED this show!! :)!

    Apr 18, 2009


    www Forgotten666 Com
    Apr 12, 2009

    This movie was the best movie that I have seen in a decade or two... I have watched it everday, for a month ... and it moves me every time...well, well done!!!

    www Forgotten 666 Co
    Apr 12, 2009

    This movie was the best movie that I have seen in a decade or two... I have watched it everday, for a month ... and it moves me every time...well, well done!!!

    Apr 08, 2009

    I don't understand how this movie can receive bad critics, it's perfect from the start to the end, every little detail makes the ending even more devastating, only air heads would not appreciate this movie.

    Apr 05, 2009

    I didn't really like this movie. It had very little structure and was everywhere. I wished that I had read the reviews before I rented it

    Apr 01, 2009

    Wow, do we need to make our movies more like the Greek theathre so you stupid people know what's going to happen. Really, come on now this movie was great because it was a modern day human sacrafice it didn't need "structure" cuz as far as i am concerned it DID.

    Mar 22, 2009

    This is so pathetic I can't believe it was made. The movie wasn't too bad until the enormity of the BS became clear. How could anyone believe such a story. The questions that it did raise were totally unintentional and it failed in what it was trying to do. The worst movie I've ever seen!

    Mar 12, 2009

    The first 20 minutes of the movie left me irritated due to the lack of structure. However, as the pieces begin to fall together, the story just grew and grew and grew on me. I agree that this movie needs to be watched more than once. You will see so much more the 2nd and 3rd time around and able to appreciate the story in its entirety.

    Feb 26, 2009

    very touching!give Will smith a break, will you?!

    Feb 26, 2009

    loved it!

    Feb 26, 2009

    excellent! must see movie!:P

    Feb 11, 2009

    this film was so good! i loved it so much,defo worth the money, it's moving and inspiring, Make sure you take some tissues!!

    Max Factor
    Feb 05, 2009

    Overall Rating: 13/15 Picture: 4/5 Sound: 5/5 Storyline: 4/5 First of all i must agree with the majority of the readers and say that this film was something special. It's about love, suffering, caring, sacrifice, hardship, honesty for the right reason. Even though the story is to a certain extent a bit far-fetched i think it delivers and important message about values and honour to the public. Values which un-fortunately are waning by time and are being replaced by commercial, commercial and yet more commercial crap. This is a story with HEART. Directing was intense in just the right moments which together with the the sound really brought everything together in a deep and fascinating manner. Forget the reviews of hearthless idiots who forgot the last good film they've seen, if you have time you should definitely watch this. Thanks

    Jan 29, 2009

    I choose a 3 in order to be supportive on both side. Prospective 1 First of all i want to say that this movie is SOO touching and excellent. Prospective 2 If you are watching this movie because your board and had nothing else to watch THEN DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME. UNLESS YOU LOVE SOMEONE AND WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT LOVE THAT CAN GET YOU KILLED

    Jan 25, 2009

    This film was great. Will Smith is great acting and gets you crying.

    Jan 24, 2009

    i cried my eyes out too... it was so sadd... all the actors were greatt

    Jan 24, 2009

    i love this movie.. i kind of dunt really get the whole story but other than that it was a great movie

    Jan 23, 2009

    this film is very good.will smith was great

    Jan 22, 2009

    I cried my eye out but it was work it, Will Smith was amazing everyone go and see it!!!!

    Jan 22, 2009


    Jan 20, 2009

    This movie was excellent! Cried my eyes out Will Smith was pulling on my heart strings big time. Will is amazing in all of his films but this was exceptional. I would definetly reccomend it

    Jan 19, 2009

    This was such a great movie! Will Smith and Rosario Dawson are amazing! Be ready to cry and feel so much! It had been a really long time since I'd seen such a great film...

    Jan 18, 2009

    This movie was Amazing. Will Smith outdid himself, it was sad, romantic, suspenceful, and the whole story played out perfectly. Im not an easy cryer but i had to the end was spectacular i hope theres many movies like this one still to come(:

    Jan 18, 2009

    Enjoyed it, excellent movie.

    Jan 18, 2009

    This Film Was Fantastico, Recommended To All. Such A Moving Story. =]

    Jan 18, 2009

    People are focusing on the suicide part, i dont see it so much as suicide, i see it more as martyrdom. He's dying for what he believes is right. Being a utilitarian, greatest good for the greatest number. he's helping seven other people, over himself. i see him as a hero in this film and it really moved me. My 3 friends and i all cried our eyes out but we did nothing but praise Will Smith as an actor afterwards.

    will smith
    Jan 16, 2009

    This film was excellent! Very moving and it conveys what lengths someone will go to, in order to preserve life and to rectify mistakes in his own life! Make sure you watch this!!

    Jan 16, 2009

    Horrible movie. Depressing and downright ridiculous.

    Jan 14, 2009


    Jan 12, 2009

    Great Movie. Im not going to expain why or why not a person should watch it. I just would say the story was good and it definitely had some twists i didnt expect.

    Jan 11, 2009

    go and see this you wont regret it 10/10

    Jan 11, 2009

    Terrible. Depressing and it actually made me very angry. Seeing this was NOT the way to spend the day after Christmas.

    Jan 11, 2009

    Wow. Terrible. We saw this film based on the strength of the IMDB rating of 7.6 (hey, 13,000 people can't be wrong, right?) Unfortunately it was one of the worst films I've ever seen -- on par with the slow and schmaltzy Random Hearts which we walked out of. Although it is well acted, Seven Pounds is -extremely- slow, has a painfully obvious story with few plot points that is stretched out over two hours and has an overdose of syrup. The trailer also badly misrepresents it. It looks like it will be some sort of supernatural film with a lead character who has the power to heal a limited number of worthy people or something, but it's not that at all -- without giving too much away, it's basically a soppy love story. I'm sure we weren't alone in this view of the film -- many of the people in the cinema were talking during the film -- a sure sign that it wasn't holding their attention. My advice: give it a miss, or see it on video.

    seven pounds
    Jan 11, 2009

    seven pounds is fantastic spend your money on it its worth it makes you cry absoloutly awesome.

    Jan 10, 2009

    brilliant film but! apparently it is flawed... when you get stung by a boxy jellyfish your heart would fail and you would have a heart attak before you die of anything else? so really does that not render his heart useless? Just a thought.

    Jan 10, 2009

    a brilliant movie.

    Jan 08, 2009

    Will Smith is brilliant.

    Sir wiggle alot
    Jan 08, 2009

    The movie was made to make you cry. It was already evident that the man was going to kill himself about halfway through when the Emily went to the hospital for her heart. I don't think suicide was the solution to save her. He also didn't help when be slept with her, that just made it harder on her.

    Jan 08, 2009

    I thought the movie was well done. I didn't think the movie was glorifying suicide, I felt it was focusing on organ donation and how the decisions and choices you make can affect others. It also really drove home the point about cell phones, blackberries, etc and paying attnetion to what you are doing when you are driving and what repercussions there can be in a split second. Will Smith did an excellent job!

    Jan 04, 2009

    As a grown adult. I find myself embrassed to cry over movies. Especially being a man. However, this movie moved me to the point that I was crying after the movie was over. I did't like the fact that it did try to glamourize suicide, but what I did like was the fact that there is still good out there. I hope that when I die, I can give the gift of organ donation to someone that really needs it. That was the best part of this movie and I hope anyone that seen it, runs out and signs an organ donor card. PS give blood

    Jan 03, 2009

    Will Smith's apprisal of Ben Thomas is superb...definitely Oscar-worthy. The BEST film I've seen in ages...finally a film that challenges my mind, not my excitement all cast members and the director...please take a deserving bow!

    Jan 03, 2009

    This film was brilliant. The story line is outstanding and the direction and delivery is Oscar worthy from all the actors. Will Smith, Woody Harrelson and Rosario Dawson play characters who are just stunningly beautiful, complex characters who draw you in, melt your hearts and stir your soul. Dramatic? Yes... but the film is stunning! Well done... 2009 is excited.

    Jan 03, 2009


    Jan 02, 2009

    I loved it!

    Jan 02, 2009

    This was a BEAUTIFUL movie! Will Smith did an amazing job. It was extremely sad but beautiful movie. I loved it.

    Jan 02, 2009

    This was a BEAUTIFUL movie! Will Smith did an amazing job. It was extremely sad but beautiful movie. I loved it.

    47 pounds
    Jan 02, 2009

    now its time suicide bye every1

    47 pds
    Jan 02, 2009

    changes lifes perspective no i wanna suicide THX 7 pounds !!!

    Jan 02, 2009

    was a reminder of life u die inside when u kno ur responsible 4 many deaths , he suicided way b4

    james jax
    Jan 02, 2009

    Depressing but hopeful, unexpected beauty

    Jan 01, 2009


    Jan 01, 2009

    it was not a good movie in my opinion,b ut maybe its because im only 15 but still i dont think it was a good movie

    Jan 01, 2009

    I loved the movie! It was a roller coaster ride type of movie, but the ending left me very sad and crying. I would have liked to have seen a happy ending instead. Let me rewrite this story where they live happily everafter....

    Dec 31, 2008

    Once again, I'm impressed with Will Smith's performance. I was drawn into the pain of his character "Ben Thomas". This movie had a bitter sweet ending..Symbolically, "Ben Thomas" had to relieve himself of the guilt of his wife's death..Unfortnately, he found validation in unselfishly giving of himself(literally). Yes, I would recommend this movie. It is a clear window of the human soul.

    Dec 31, 2008

    I agree with those who said that if you never truly loved someone, you will not understand this movie. I too predicted the ending , but it left me wondering if he was actually going to go through with it. I recommend this movie to anyone with a soul and who loves someone more than themselves. i plan to buy this movie as soon as it comes out on dvd. Truly beautiful...

    Dec 31, 2008

    Very profound. Makes you think about it and want to see it again.

    andy torr
    Dec 30, 2008

    Will smith was fantastic once again any bad reviews of smiths performance is from people that dont like smith no matter what he does . I love the layout kept you wanting more

    Dec 29, 2008


    Dec 29, 2008

    Wonderful movie! I watched it twice, but it is amazing how the second time, I noticed so many other interesting details I had not seen the first time I had seen it and was able to understand the movie even more. I am also planning on seeing it a third time with some friends who haven't seen it yet. It's a great movie in that it makes you think. Whether you agree with it or not, it provokes very deep thoughts and emotions, and in my opinion, if a movie can do that these days, then it is deserving of praise.

    Kimberly Dawn
    Dec 29, 2008

    Pay attention to intricacies with this movie. If you don't, you will assume it is poorly conducted and send the wrong message concerning suicide.

    Dec 29, 2008

    One of those like it or hate it. 25 years ago I went though something similar as Will Smiths charactor and I could very much relate to him. I think the show was excellent and did reflect to real life. Would I watch it again, probably not.

    Dec 28, 2008

    I'm the last person to cry for a movie. I am often get criticized for lack of sensitivity. This is the first movie in my whole life that made my vision blurry. I tried really really hard to restrain the tears from falling because i'm proud and i hate to show emotion, but I just couldn't help it for the first time (for a movie). Beautiful.

    Dec 28, 2008

    The movie was good as were the actors. I've expect Will Smith to take chances artistically at this point in his career. The plot, however, sends a very provocative message about suicide. Almost glamourizing and sensationalizing suicide. I think that's bad form.

    Dec 28, 2008

    I thought this was one of the worst movies i have ever seen. The idea that they can somehow try and redeem and make suicide heroic is infuriating. No matter who he helped or not we can not send the message out that suicide for a good reason is perfectly acceptable and that our lives hold such little value. also thought the romance between the two main charecters was poorly developed and awkward at times and that it was too predictable and long. It seemed like the main point of the movie was to makes its veiwers walk out depressed and teary eyed. There was no redemption to this movie in my opinion

    Don\'t Hate!
    Dec 28, 2008


    Don\'t Hate!
    Dec 28, 2008

    AMAZING! this movie was awesome! will smith did a remarkable job and so did rosario dawson! anyone who said this movie was bad is a HATER! OBAMA BABY!

    Seven Pounds
    Dec 28, 2008

    What a waste of time, energy, money, patience, and brain cells! I was sorely disappointed with this movie and expected so much better from Will Smith...the Will Smith. He spent half the crying. Then when you finally figured out what was going on, the movie ends with more crying). I expected better. At the end of the movie, the theatre was in total silence, everyone walked out puzzled. Word to the wise: don't waste your money.

    Dec 28, 2008

    A movie that touches your heart quite literaly

    Dec 27, 2008

    agree an excellent movie , you must not look down on it because of it's plot or actors .I condemn the actors who say that it is absurd , laughable or simplistic. A very good drama that i recommend i've been awaiting for a similar movie after i've seen Pursuit Of Happinness

    Dec 26, 2008

    This is one of the best movies that I've seen in a long time. I think that anyone who has truly loved anyone would be touched by this movie. WIll Smith really captured the longing and torment of the character,and I found myself in tears the whole movie. I enjoyed watching a movie that inspired me and left me thinking long after it was over. I would recommend it!

    Dec 26, 2008

    I just finished watching it, and I do agree the end was predictable, but in entirety, it was an excellent movie. So what if the plot wasn't too complex, so what if it was depressing? I don't know why critics have received it this badly. It teaches a very important lesson, i.e., every sin can be redeemed. What really matters is, whether or not you're ready to do that.

    Dec 23, 2008

    This was one of the most powerful movies I have ever seen. The ultimate redemtion for something we all do everyday. And to all those who are hating on the film I say, "You must have never truly loved or cared for humanity in a way that would allow you to love and appreciate this film in its entirety." Yes, I too predicted the films end from the beginning, but it still did not change how moved I was by the outcome I knew was coming. I loved it.

    aviator 101
    Dec 23, 2008

    i thought that this was overall a good movie... from reviews i see this movie is cut short for what it actually is. I on the other hand think it was a very good film and franky the plot was kinda sad too.. i mean you dont want him to die in the end but you know that he is going to..which jsut adds to it.

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