Infinite Reviews

  • Infinite
    • Genre : Sci-Fi,Thriller
    • Release Date :
    • MPAA Rating : PG-13
    • Duration : -
    • Production Budget : -
    • Studio : Paramount Pictures
    • Official Site : -
    • Reviews Rate
      Not quite bad, but it's not recommended either.

    • Readers Rate

Movie Reviews

  • [the movie] viewed at home, from the perspective of the couch, the effects are smaller, the holes in the story bigger, the acting infinitely more ridiculous
    by John Anderson [Wall Street Journal ]
  • the script doesn't reincarnate so much as it recycles, drawing freely on the nested realities of "Inception," the free-your-mind metaphysics of "The Matrix" and the amnesiac-assassin revelations of the Jason Bourne movies
    by Justin Chang [Los Angeles Times ]
  • the film plays like an overcomplicated imitator of The Matrix that never pauses long enough to foster interest in a single character. It's busy and bombastic but dull, explosive and assaultive but never exciting
    by David Rooney [The Hollywood Reporter ]
  • stuck with an incomprehensible, half-baked idea and carried out with stale writing, mechanical acting, and relentless chase scenes and explosions, this sci-fi action movie is an almost total failure
    1 of 5 by Jeffrey M. Anderson [Common Sense Media ]
  • it's all sci-fi table setting all the time, racing through introductions and plot points at a mercenary pace, its wheel manned by a star whose default mode for this kind of movie is hunky frowning
    Review rate : C by A.A. Dowd [AV Club ]
  • as much as it's built to be taken seriously, "Infinite" works better the less you think about it and the more you just go along for the ride; the action sequences are explosive fun. Maybe "Infinite" isn't crazy, it's just misunderstood
    Review rate : B by Adam Graham [Detroit News ]
  • Antoine Fuqua does what he can to sprinkle garnishing on cold leftovers; but the script barely holds together, and seems to emanate from an alternate reality where no other sci-fi films or games were released in the last 25 years
    1.5 of 4 by Siddhant Adlakha [Observer ]
  • a ridiculously bland rip-off of "The Matrix" and "Assassin's Creed"; "Infinite" is derivative to the point that it can be hard to remember what you're watching even while you're watching it
    Review rate : D by David Ehrlich [IndieWire ]
  • a misfiring melange of other better movies; it's the worst kind of soulless committee-made product, lazy and risk-free, that need never and will never be thought of again. Infinite? Not even close
    1 of 5 by Benjamin Lee [The Guardian ]
  • "Infinite" has some impressive set pieces combining practical effects and CGI, and the terrific cast approaches the material with grim-faced sincerity, but it's ultimately a big bag of nonsense wrapped in glossy packaging
    2 of 4 by Richard Roeper [Chicago Sun-Times ]
  • "Infinite" certainly has the star power to ignite some interest, and it's an entertaining ride with a compelling concept; but a lack of depth with the characters and the mythology keeps the audience from getting too invested in the heroes' task
    2.5 of 5 by Rachel LaBonte [ScreenRant ]

Reader's Reviews

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