The Cape Episode 1.05 Dice
The Cape Photo

The Cape Episode 1.05 Dice

Episode Premiere
Jan 31, 2011
Production Company
Universal Media Studios, BermanBraun
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Jan 31, 2011
2011 - 2011
Production Co
Universal Media Studios, BermanBraun
Official Site
Michael Nankin
Tom Wheeler
Main Cast
Additional Cast

Ten years ago, a little girl named Tracey plays dice - but she calls the numbers before she rolls them with pinpoint accuracy as her father and Peter Fleming watch. Her father explains that Tracey's a savant whose talents lie in probabilities. She breaks down her world in quantum mechanics. She can see the future. Her father reveals that they're mapping her brain looking for a breakthrough. Fleming is introduced to her; she responds by telling him that she knows him as the man who'll kill her father.

In the present day at a conference, Fleming introduces T.R.A.C.E. - Total Retrieval Analytics and Collection Extraction - a system that offers businesses a concrete and competitive glimpse of the future. He demonstrates it by buying an Asian tech stock that T.R.A.C.E. has predicted will jump the most during the conference. Fleming buys a million shares and within five minutes, its price doubles. Watching from the audience is Tracey, distinguished by the two dice that hang from her necklace.

Dana and Trip have dinner. The Cape watches silently from outside the window, seeing the discomfort between them. Back at his hideaway, Vince comes across a package from Orwell - it's the police files on him and the Carnival of Crime. The carnival gang laughs as they burn them. Vince watches, still unsettled from seeing his family. He realizes that to turn things around, he must pin one of Chess' murders on Fleming.

Fleming is hosting a casino-style party when he notices an attractive blonde watching him from another table; it's Tracey but he doesn't recognize her. Enamored, Fleming flirts with her, encouraging her to blow on his dice for luck, She does, then makes for an exit. Within seconds the dice explode. Fleming narrowly escapes with his life.

Peter Fleming's doctor is giving him a check up. The Doctor asks if Chess has made a reappearance. It's under control, Fleming tells his doctor. Marty interrupts with a picture of Dice taken by security at the party. Fleming still doesn't recognize her, but he's struck by her cold beauty.

Vince and Orwell track down Dice via a hacked city surveillance system. Vince recognizes her as the daughter of Henry Jarrod, a researcher who was one of Chess' first murder victims. Realizing Tracey's out to avenge her father's murder, Orwell suggests that Vince protect Fleming from Dice. If Fleming dies before he can be exposed as Chess, Vince's chances of clearing his name are dim.

Vince and Orwell break into Tracey's apartment. Scrawled in lipstick on her mirror is "God is the dice." Suddenly, Dice steps from the shadows and holds a gun to Orwell's head. Refusing to listen to Vince's call for calm, she pistol-whips Orwell, shoots at Vince, and then runs from the apartment.

Vince tracks down Dice in the apartment building's basement. As he tries to talk to her, the room fills with ARK security guards, scurrying to arrest Dice. Vince ducks out of sight. But Orwell has studied Dice's plans and says it's all been thought through; Dice knew they were coming. She let herself be captured so she could kill Fleming later at the Violin restaurant.

Dice sits with Fleming at a table in the Violin. Using a compact mirror to blind the bartender, she begins a chain of events that result in the chandelier above Fleming's head exploding and falling. Watching the bedlam unfold, The Cape rushes in to save Fleming at the last moment.

Vince and Orwell again track city surveillance to find Dice. They see that she's been watching the ARK building for two solid hours. They realize she's planning to blow up the lab - most likely at Fleming's upcoming swanky party to celebrate the launch of T.R.A.C.E. The only way for The Cape to get into the party to prevent the murder is to access the building's roof via a tightrope from across the street. It takes The Cape two days to learn how to walk a tightrope under the tutelage of the Carnival of Crime.

Ruvi realizes that the best way of teaching Vince quickly is to hypnotize him so he won't realize he's on a high wire. Raia helps with the crash course. After some intense study, Vince realizes that regardless of how ready he is - or isn't - the time has come.

At the T.R.A.C.E. production launch party, Orwell tasers a security guard and begins scanning the internal cameras. Vince begins his tightrope walk to the top of the ARK building. Within seconds, the trance Ruvi has put him in fails and he falls. He grabs at the high wire and hangs on for dear life.

Inside the party, Fleming greets Dice, who's happy to inform him that she's there to assassinate him. Orwell discovers Dice is planning to use the elevator as a bomb. The plan is to fill it with leaked propane, which when sparked, will blow the building to pieces. Fleming presses the button to begin production on T.R.A.C.E. as the elevator begins its ascent.

The Cape is still hanging on to the tightrope. The elevator arrives on Fleming's floor and opens, wafting propane everywhere. Dice flicks open her cigarette lighter but it's whipped away at the last second by The Cape, who has survived the tightrope. The party clears out, leaving just The Cape and Fleming. With everyone now safe, The Cape flicks open Dice's lighter and tosses it into the elevator. Hurling Fleming to safety down the stairwell, The Cape blows up the entire floor, shutting down Fleming's T.R.A.C.E. operation - possibly forever.

In another stairwell, Dice encounters Orwell and cuffs her to the railing to be found by the police. Back at Vince's old home, Dana reads Trip the latest "The Cape" comic, frightened that she's not as good at it as Vince. At ARK headquarters, Fleming is disturbed by footsteps. They're in his mind. Seconds later, he's become Chess again.

Back at Trolley Park, Vince is taking his frustrations out on a punching bag. He's saved Fleming twice in 48 hours. He complains: is this what fate has in store for him? What Max won't tell him is that when they found him unconscious under the freight train on that first night, an ancient map foretold his coming - a map that also foretold who should be wearing the Cape.