Emma Roberts Opens Up on 'Mom Guilt' and Financially Supporting Her Son on Her Own

As young people often find it challenging to balance various aspects of life including parenthood, Emma Roberts shares her journey of managing work, personal life, and motherhood.

AceShowbiz - Emma Roberts, the renowned "American Horror Story" actress, is feeling particularly grateful for her ability to provide for her three-year-old son, Rhodes. During her appearance on iHeartPodcast's "Table for Two" with Bruce Bozzi, the 33-year-old actress opened up about the unique challenges and privileges she faces as a single working mother.

"Now that I have been working so long, I can support myself and I can help out other people. And also with my son, to just know that I can always support him on my own is a very freeing thing that I know is a huge privilege," Roberts shared. She acknowledges that not everyone has the same opportunity, saying, "And some people can't and I just always want to encourage people to know that they can try."

Despite feeling empowered by her independence, Roberts admits to struggling with "mom guilt" when her work commitments take her away from her son. "I have such mom guilt. I'm away from my son, working for 12 hours a day and then on the weekend I'm so tired and I feel like I'm not being my best self," she confessed.

However, she maintains a positive perspective, knowing that her hard work sets a strong example for Rhodes. "But the other side of that coin is I know that [he] will always know that his mom works really hard and loves what she does and therefore will always be able to support him."

In moments away from her busy schedule, Roberts who shares Rhodes with Garrett Hedlund cherishes spending quality time with Rhodes. Just this April, she shared a heartfelt moment on Instagram from their day out at Disneyland.

Posing in front of the Sleeping Beauty castle, Roberts expressed the magic of visiting the park with her son for the first time. "The only thing that could make the most magical place on earth more magical? seeing it with your son for the first time [star emoji]," she captioned.

Emma Roberts and her son at Disneyland

Emma Roberts and her son at Disneyland

The actress frequently shares snippets of her life with Rhodes on social media. Earlier in the month, she posted an endearing photo where her son ran into her arms for a hug, captioning it, "Best feeling in the world." These moments underscore her deep bond with her son and her efforts to balance her career with her role as a dedicated mother.

Emma Roberts' story is a testament to the challenges and rewards of modern parenthood. Her candid discussion of balancing work, personal life, and parenting offers a relatable narrative for young people navigating similar paths. Her ability to manage her career while fostering a loving relationship with her son highlights the resilience and dedication required for such a journey.

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