Lupita Nyong'o Hates Movie Press Junkets: It's 'Torture Technique'
Glamour Magazine/Adrienne Raquel

The '12 Years a Slave' actress opens up on the torturous reality of movie press junkets, explaining why she finds the relentless spotlight of Hollywood marketing 'irritating.'

AceShowbiz - Press junkets have long been a cornerstone of Hollywood marketing, where stars engage in a whirlwind of interviews and media appearances to promote their films. While this practice maximizes media attention within a short span, it often leaves the celebrities themselves feeling drained and disillusioned.

Academy Award-winning actress Lupita Nyong'o, known for her roles in "Us," "Black Panther," and "12 Years a Slave," is the latest to voice her disdain for this aspect of her job.

In an eye-opening interview for the June 2024 issue of Glamour, Nyong'o revealed that she finds press junkets "irritating" and likens the experience to a "torture technique." "Different people are being ferried in [to ask the same questions]," explained Nyong'o. "You have to give each one of them attention, focus, and an articulate answer that you just gave to the person before. That's irritating," she added.

Nyong'o is by no means alone in her sentiment. The intense cycle of interviews and red carpet appearances has been criticized by other actors as well. For instance, Cillian Murphy, who recently promoted "Oppenheimer," referred to the traditional junket model as "broken."

Jonah Hill also withdrew from press tours in 2022 to protect his mental health, stating, "I have spent nearly 20 years experiencing anxiety attacks, which are exacerbated by media appearances and public-facing events."

Despite her aversion to junkets, Nyong'o does find joy in other aspects of her high-profile career, particularly the glamorous red carpet events. "You get to be Cinderella for a night," she told Glamour. "My life before the launch of my career did not involve a lot of ball gowns. Now I wear so many, and I love it." This love for the red carpet contrasts sharply with her disdain for press junkets, offering a nuanced look at the challenges and perks of celebrity life.

In her upcoming film "A Quiet Place: Day One," set to premiere on June 28, Nyong'o stars alongside Joseph Quinn, Alex Wolff, and Djimon Hounsou. The prequel revisits the terrifying first day the monsters from "A Quiet Place" emerged, introducing audiences to new characters struggling to survive.

Interestingly, Nyong'o had to overcome her personal fear of cats for her role, undergoing "cat-therapy" to become comfortable with her on-screen feline companion.

As Nyong'o continues to navigate the complexities of her career, her candid admissions provide valuable insights into the often overlooked toll that Hollywood's promotional machine can take on its stars. While press junkets may be a "necessary evil" for the film industry, they are clearly far from glamorous behind the scenes.

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