Nicki Minaj's Racial Profiling Claim in Amsterdam Arrest Denied by Dutch Police

Dutch police have vehemently denied claim that Nicki Minaj's arrest was racially-motivated, insisting they were merely following protocol in a routine drugs check.

AceShowbiz - Nicki Minaj, the internationally acclaimed rapper behind hits such as "Starships" and "Anaconda", was arrested at Amsterdam's Schipol airport on May 25 after authorities discovered dozens of joints in her luggage. The incident forced Minaj to cancel her second Amsterdam concert and left 20,000 fans in Manchester waiting as she could not make it to the planned gig that night.

Shortly after her release, Minaj took to social media, airing her grievances and suggesting that her treatment was racially motivated. "Not being able to get to Manchester, I don't know when was the last time I felt that low, you know? And not only that, but just knowing that something is being done to you on purpose. You are a confident other race, you know?" she said during a livestream on Stationhead.

Minaj also claimed that her treatment by the authorities was "disgusting" and highlighted the compassion shown by one female officer amid what she described as generally harsh treatment.

Dutch police have denied these allegations, stating that their actions were in line with standard protocols. "It's annoying if she experienced it that way. We arrested her when we found dozens of joints in her luggage. The lady was released four hours after arrest in consultation with the public prosecutor, and after paying a fine. I think that it all went very smoothly. It's annoying that she drew that card," a spokesperson told NOS.

Police also reiterated their stance during conversations with BBC News, emphasizing their objective of treating everyone equally regardless of race. "We just do our job, and it is protocol to search luggage and arrest a person when we find drugs. The arrest was around 17.30, the release at 21.30. We stand for a professional organization that treats everybody equal, no matter what," the spokesperson said.

Nicki Minaj's arrest and the ensuing controversy have thrown a spotlight on the differing perceptions of racial treatment within law enforcement. While cannabis is classified as a "soft drug" and is tolerated in small quantities for personal use in the Netherlands, transporting drugs across borders remains illegal, which justified the police action according to Dutch authorities.

The repercussions of this incident have had logistic implications for Minaj's "Pink Friday 2 World Tour." Following her Amsterdam concert cancellation, the singer promised to reschedule the Manchester show to June 3.

She sincerely apologized to her fans, stating, "OK guys, I was JUST RE-ADVISED that we actually CAN NOT do any other date for the make up #gagcityMANCHESTER date besides JUNE 3rd. I apologise for all the inconvenience this has caused."

This episode not only disrupted a major tour but also sparked broader discussions on racial profiling and the handling of public figures under the law. Despite her accusation, Dutch authorities maintain their commitment to equality and professionalism in their operations.

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