Jay Leno
Cover Images/Faye's Vision

Some big names voiced their support amid the ongoing Hollywood strikes by joining the picket lines, while some other showed support by providing material support, including money and foods, for the striking writers and actors.

AceShowbiz - Jay Leno also showed support for the striking writers through food. On May 3, the former "Tonight Show" host pulled up to the picket outside Walt Disney Studios in Burbank and began distributing donuts from Randy's.

In some pictures and videos capturing Jay's acts of generosity and solidarity, union members could be seen warmly greeting the star with cries of "thank you" and "we love you, Jay." Back in 2007, Jay famously made a public show of support for the writers by rode to the picket outside Universal Studios on his Harley-Davidson motorcycle, with Krispy Kremes donuts in hand.

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