The Slap Episode 1.02 Harry
The Slap Photo

The Slap Episode 1.02 Harry

Episode Premiere
Feb 19, 2015
Production Company
Universal Television, Matchbox Pictures
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Feb 19, 2015
2015 - 2015
Production Co
Universal Television, Matchbox Pictures
Official Site
Ken Olin
Main Cast

Harry Apostolou is aware that sometimes, on rare occasions, his anger will surge unexpectedly, overtaking reason and proportion. To combat this, he developed a strict routine to help control this impulse that includes a steady diet of exercise, sex and closing deals at his luxury car dealership. Harry's anger, when controlled, serves him well in this sense - he's achieved a wealthy status as a self-made man, husband and father. He believes his accomplishments and success deserve a modicum of respect.

So when his cousin Hector informs him that two detectives visited him today in regards to the recent event (Harry's slap of a child) that took place at Hector's birthday party, Harry resigns himself to a meeting with a lawyer to explore the possibility of a trial. His lawyer dismisses the case as absurd - at worst Harry would end up with community service. Nonetheless, he advises Harry to locate a non-familial witness from the party to bolster his case.

He seeks out Anouk, a longtime family friend and television writer who attended the party and witnessed the slap. Except when Harry steals a few minutes alone with her on set, he learns that she missed the moment altogether. She expresses empathy for his situation, but not for his actions, and declines to testify on his behalf if the situation comes to that.

Meanwhile, the two detectives who met with Hector interview Gary and Rosie, parents of the slapped child Hugo. They ask uncomfortable questions about the aftermath of the slap - why wasn't Hugo examined by a doctor? What kinds of residual issues have occurred since? Gary and Rosie offer uneven explanations (they lack so much as a photo of Hugo post-slap), and the detectives, although understanding of the parents' emotional state, explain the difficulty in prosecuting this kind of case. The DA may not want to take it on, regardless.

The slap continues to loom large for Harry as he attends his son Rocco's basketball game. He notices Rocco struggle with aggression - should he pass to an open teammate, or take the shot? After the game, Harry urges his son to win, that life is about taking the shot. Encouraged by his father, Rocco confronts his teammate during practice about not sharing the ball, and when his teammate brushes him off, Rocco tackles him to the ground...

At Harry's house, Hector swings by for an impromptu chat. He mentions that he knows Harry met with a lawyer and presses Harry to avoid the possibility of trial by apologizing to Rosie and Gary. An earnest - if not entirely sincere - apology could make the tension disappear. Harry pushes back, still defensive, and after Hector leaves he confronts Sandi. Did she tell Hector about him seeing a lawyer? His temper flares at her apparent insensitivity to the situation, and he grabs her by the neck - the moment deflated only by the stunned and sudden appearance of Rocco.

Ultimately, Harry joins Hector at Gary and Rosie's loft apartment. With Hugo at the table and Rosie leading the charge, Harry submits his apology... but Rosie's pointed insinuations about his violent nature tee off Harry and derail the conversation. He feels ambushed, disrespected - and breaks a chair in anger. He exits amid a fury of insults and Rosie's demand that Gary call the police. Even Hector admits the move backfired as Harry rages outside the apartment. His claim that "nothing gets resolved by talking" seems to ring true.

Harry retreats back to his luxury dealership only to find Melody, one of his employees, giddy about a recent sale. The two share drinks as she divulges the full extent of the company's profit: over $100,000. This spurs a passionate kiss, and soon after they make love while Harry's phone buzzes with an urgent message from Sandi - Rocco's in trouble at school.

Once Sandi and he talk, Harry joins them at the basketball coach's office and learns of Rocco's suspension due to a fight. Despite the news, Harry emphasizes that he wants his son to be a winner - a lesson complicated by the arrival of the detectives at Harry's home. Turns out Rosie and Gary filed charges based largely on Harry's failed attempt at peace, and the detectives arrest him, following protocol. Harry does not protest.

At the arraignment, he listens to the counts against him, and after Hector bails him out and Harry returns home, a calm washes over him. He is, after all, a fighter, a warrior - it is his duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves. He vows to use everything in his power to destroy Gary and Rosie.

If they want a fight, they got it.