Playing House Episode 1.10 Bugs in Your Eyes
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Playing House Episode 1.10 Bugs in Your Eyes

Episode Premiere
Jun 17, 2014
Production Company
American Work, Universal Cable Prod.
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Jun 17, 2014
2014 - 2017
Production Co
American Work, Universal Cable Prod.
Official Site
Tim Kirkby
Lennon Parham, Jessica St. Clair
Main Cast

We last left Emma and Maggie in a picture of newborn bliss… but now it's six weeks later and the house looks like a tornado hit it. In the midst of this baby chaos, Emma and Maggie plan Charlotte's christening with the help of Bruce, Gwen, and Mary Pat. When Emma tries to hold the baby, Charlotte cries and Emma is convinced that Charlotte hates her. She tries to make herself useful and volunteers to track down Mark to borrow Tina's vintage cake stands for the party.

Later that night, Emma hears talking in the bathroom and discovers Maggie trying to take a shower while simultaneously entertaining the baby in the bassinet. Emma asks Maggie why she didn't just let her watch the baby for a few minutes and Maggie replies that Emma's attempts to help are only stressing her out even more. Emma is stunned, when suddenly her phone rings: it's Mark. He's drunk and incomprehensible. He mumbles something about his life falling apart and then hangs up without revealing his location. Emma is worried. Maggie is concerned as well, and since the baby refuses to stop crying or go to sleep, she decides to pack up the baby and go with Emma to track Mark down.

The girls arrive at Rosie's to discover that it's overrun with Hell's Angel-type bikers on their annual summer ride up the coast. Mark is there and reveals that he lost his wedding ring in a pool game against a particularly gruff biker named Ortega. Maggie sets off to get the ring back while Emma stays behind. Mark tells her that he's been offered a promotion but he and Tina would have to move and Tina doesn't want to. He wonders why it was never this hard between him and Emma and the two share a heart to heart that strays into potentially inappropriate territory. Meanwhile, Maggie challenges Ortega to a game of pool to win back Mark's ring. Ortega imparts some wisdom and Maggie realizes for the first time that it's okay to let others help her.

The next day at the christening, Mark arrives with news that throws Emma for a curveball. Maggie finds her hiding in the playhouse and the two best friends - and baby Charlotte - share a special moment. They celebrate Charlotte's christening with their whole little village, a new kind of family.