The Passage Season 1 (Promo 'Meet Amy Bellafonte')

In an exclusive promo for Fox's upcoming supernatural drama "The Passage," viewers are introduced to Amy Bellafonte, a 10-year-old girl who holds the key to saving humanity. The video opens with a voiceover from Project Noah scientist Dr. Jonas Lear (Henry Ian Cusick), who explains that Amy is the only person immune to the deadly virus that has ravaged the world. As the promo progresses, we see glimpses of Amy's life in the quarantined facility where she is being held captive. She is shown interacting with her fellow survivors, playing with toys, and even learning to read and write. However, it is clear that Amy is not like the other children. She possesses strange abilities that set her apart from the rest, and it is these abilities that could potentially lead to the cure for the virus.

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