Worst Week Episode 1.05 The Club
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Worst Week Episode 1.05 The Club

Episode Premiere
Oct 20, 2008
Production Company
Hat Trick, UMS
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Oct 20, 2008
2008 - 2009
Production Co
Hat Trick, UMS
Official Site
Michael Fresco
Luvh Rakhe
Main Cast
Additional Cast
  • Matt Winston
  • Susan Blakely
  • Rick Scarry
  • Ernesto Alexander Enriquez
  • Scott Beehner
  • Nick Kroll

With the wedding less than a week away, Sam and Melanie find themselves having to take care of the final touches. This proves to be difficult for an emotional Mel who would rather hide out from Angela and watch episodes of "Baby Stories." Sam heads to his office to pick up the wedding programs and inadvertently ends up inviting more people to the wedding. There's no room for them and he needs to un-invite them and does this by lying and saying Mel called off the wedding. Adam hears this news and tells Chloe who then calls Angela and Dick. Dick, thinking the wedding is off, calls the club to cancel the wedding. Dick and Sam realize they must get it back before Mel finds out but it has already been re-booked by someone else-Dick's nemesis at the club, Charles. Dick and Sam challenge Charles and his wife to a game of Bridge but Sam doesn't know how to play. After failing at that, he challenges them to a game of tennis. When Dick hits Charles in the groin with his racket, Sam and Dick take the golf cart back, get into an argument about who's going to tell Mel they lost the gazebo, when they crash it and ruin its parking break. Sam makes a heartfelt speech to the Charles about needing the gazebo and he relents. The victory is short lived because the damaged golf cart crashes into the gazebo without a parking break.