Law & Order: Criminal Intent Episode 9.15 Inhumane Society
Law & Order: Criminal Intent Photo

Law & Order: Criminal Intent Episode 9.15 Inhumane Society

Episode Premiere
Jul 6, 2010
Drama, Crime
Production Company
NBC Universal, Studios USA TV, Universal Network
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Jul 6, 2010
Drama, Crime
2001 - 2011
Production Co
NBC Universal, Studios USA TV, Universal Network
NBC, USA Network
Official Site
Michael Smith
Courtney Parker, Geoffrey Thorne
Main Cast

DANNY FORD is an up and coming boxer. He's young, he's hungry... and his trainer, SAL BIAGGI, believes he has a real shot at the title.

Sal, who was once a contender himself, has high hopes for Danny, but doesn't like the company he keeps. And with good reason; Danny's two best friends, AUSTIN DARVIS and RON JORDAN run an underground dog fighting ring. But it doesn't remain secret for long. When the police raid their warehouse, their friendship splinters as they rat each other out, yet all three wind up in jail.

Now it's several years later. Danny's out of prison, trying to put his life back together with Sal's help. But when his friends return to pressure him into restarting their old business, Danny finds it difficult to keep his distance. Something that becomes even harder when Austin's mutilated body is discovered the next morning, mauled by the very animals they exploited.