Meghan McCain Not on Speaking Terms With 'The View' Co-Hosts Following Exit

Meghan McCain definitively quashes rumors of her return to 'The View' while revealing that she doesn't talk to her former TV co-hosts but has intriguing connections with past hosts.

AceShowbiz - In a candid disclosure, Meghan McCain, the outspoken author, and political pundit, has firmly closed the chapter on her possibilities of returning to ABC's "The View," a show where she frequently made headlines during her tenure. Having left the daytime talk program in 2021 after four seasons, McCain's stance on the matter is clear, echoing a sentiment of moving forward and embracing the current state of her life, including motherhood and her new endeavors.

Meghan McCain's tenure on "The View" was marked by its share of controversies and ideological clashes, particularly given her conservative standpoint among predominantly liberal co-hosts.

Upon her departure, McCain cited a desire to focus on her family and the personal growth she's undergone since. "I've had kids since then. I really like my life right now and I feel like it's taken me a long time to sort of get to a place where people are seeing me as more serious," McCain shared with Page Six.

Her exit was not without introspection, revealing her time on the show was "extremely isolating" due to her political ideologies. She added, "I don't talk to any of the main co-hosts that I was with, but I still do have friends, that work on the show and people that I made relationships with. But I never want to say who because I don't want them to get bullied for still being my friend."

While McCain has turned the page on "The View," stating "there's not a chance in hell" for a return, she's not severed all ties. Surprisingly, she has nurtured friendships with former hosts like Rosie O'Donnell, Jenny McCarthy, and Elisabeth Hasselbeck, whom she describes as supportive figures in her life.

Beyond the controversies and the headlines, McCain is charting a new course with her podcast, "Citizen McCain." Here, she promises intriguing dialogues, including an appearance by Rosie O'Donnell. The podcast represents McCain's current focus, intertwining her personal evolution with her professional aspirations.

To young followers and fans, McCain's journey underscores a narrative of resilience, transformation, and the importance of forging one's path. Even as McCain bids adieu to a significant chapter of her life, she steps into a new role with optimism, remaining a formidable voice in political commentary and beyond.

"The View" may have been a platform of confrontation and growth, but for Meghan McCain, the future holds new arenas to explore and impact.

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