Doja Cat Embraces 'Freedom' to Dress Up Despite Backlash and 'Uncontrollable' Shock Response Mayer

The 'Get Into It' songstress reveals that she has 'accepted' the unpleasant comments from online critics and vows to use 'all the freedom in the world' to wear her own choice of clothes.

AceShowbiz - Doja Cat has embraced her "freedom" to dress up. Despite receiving backlash and "uncontrollable" shock response to her choice of style, the "Get Into It" singer revealed that she has "accepted" the criticisms and decided to keep on wearing outfits based on her interest.

The 27-year-old singer and rapper gave her two cents on the public criticizing her choice of clothes in an interview published on Wednesday, August 16. Speaking to Harper's Bazaar magazine, she said, "I've accepted that that's what happens. So I put my wigs on and take them off. I shave my head or my eyebrows." She declared, "I have all the freedom in the world."

"My theory is that if someone has never met me in real life, then, subconsciously, I'm not real to them," she explained. "So when people become engaged with someone they don't even know on the internet, they kind of take ownership over that person. They think that person belongs to them in some sense. And when that person changes drastically, there is a shock response that is almost uncontrollable. "

Doja went on to discuss the role of imagery play with fashion as an artist. "I am taking more control over filming and photography," she spilled. "I'm in this kind of chaotic place right now when it comes to fashion, where I've just been going into my closet and picking out the most random, weird, not-fitting thing to mix with another thing that does not really fit."

"It's like mashed potatoes," the "Kiss Me More" raptress described. "But I'm embracing that. It's a little punk. It's experimental for sure. It's very manic. But I am going in a darker direction when it comes to visuals and fashion. I have a lot of pent-up feelings and anger, and I want to express it with beauty. I've been playing with a lot of prosthetics lately."

Elsewhere in the cover story, Doja discussed her career plan for the near future. "There are other kinds of projects I want to branch out into. I want to make clothing, dabble in makeup. I want to explore acting," she unveiled to the magazine.

About acting itself, the raptress further elaborated, "I would love to do movies that I believe in. I would have to stop the music for a minute. But I would be down to immerse myself in acting for a certain period of time. I love comedies and action films. I want to learn martial arts and be in a film like 'John Wick'."

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