'Deadpool 2' May Feature X-Force Leader Cable

Director Tim Miller hinted that the possible sequel to 'Deadpool' might feature a powerful mutant named Cable.

AceShowbiz - Following the red band trailer of "Deadpool" that debuted on "CONAN" on Tuesday, August 4, director Tim Miller sat down with Empire to discuss the film. In the interview, the director hinted at a possible character to be featured in "Deadpool 2" if the film is happening.

When breaking down the red band trailer, Miller talked about the role of Negasonic Teenage Warhead who's played by Brianna Hildebrand. "We thought about Cannonball, but he would've been a stupid hick character, whereas the guys wrote Negasonic as this deadpan goth teen, which was a great angle. She turned out really well," the director pointed out.

Miller also teased that Nathan Christopher Charles Summers a.k.a. Cable might appear in the possible sequel. "There aren't really many definitive Deadpool villains, apart from Cable. If we don't put Cable in 'Deadpool 2' I think we'll be run out of town on a rail," he said.

Cable's first appearance was in 1990's "The New Mutants" #86. He is the son of Cyclops and Jean Grey clone Madelyn Pryor and was used as a weapon for Mr. Sinister to fight against Apocalypse. He and Deadpool first crossed paths in "The New Mutants" #98 when Deadpool was hired to kill him.

The X-Force's leader is a major Marvel character who hasn't been introduced yet. Thus, if "Deadpool 2" really happens, the movie will be the most likely place for Cable to make his cinematic debut. There is a speculation that in the aformentioned film, Cable and Deadpool will follow the comic book path in which Cable initially serves as villain and later becomes a good guy and teams up with the Merc with a Mouth.

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