Chris Hemsworth, Mark Walhberg, John Travolta Mark Mother's Day With Heartfelt Tribute to Loved Ones
Cover Images/M10s/TheNews2/Brandi Benton/Tony Forte

In a heartwarming showcase of love and remembrance, Hollywood celebrities took to social media this Mother's Day to honor the influential women in their lives.

AceShowbiz - In the spirit of Mother's Day, several of Hollywood's most beloved stars have taken a moment to honor the exceptional women in their lives, sharing their tributes and memories with fans around the world. From heartfelt messages to nostalgic photos, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Wahlberg, and John Travolta each celebrated this special day in their own unique way, offering us a glimpse into their personal lives and the profound impact these women have had on them.

Hemsworth, known for his role as the fearless Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, dedicated his Mother's Day post to his wife Elsa Pataky and his mother Leonie. The actor shared a series of photographs on Instagram, which included playful and tender moments with the two women who have played a significant role in his life.

Among the shared photos was a unique snapshot of Hemsworth and Pataky in costume as their characters from "Thor: Love and Thunder," humorously celebrating their on-screen and real-life partnership.

Meanwhile, Wahlberg used the occasion to remember his late mother, Alma Wahlberg, who passed away in 2021, as well as to celebrate his wife, Rhea Durham. Wahlberg's post included images of happier times with his family and a touching statement that read, "HAPPY MOTHERS DAY [love emoji] MISS YOU MOM [broken heart emoji] LOVE YOU BABE [love emoji]."

The personal photos offered a glimpse into the Wahlberg family's close-knit bond and the cherished moments they spent together.

Travolta's tribute was in honor of his late wife Kelly Preston, who died in 2020. Travolta shared a touching early Mother's Day post featuring photographs of Preston with their children, Ella Bleu and Benjamin, and their late son Jett.

The actor expressed his love and longing for Preston, saying, "Happy Mother's Day Kelly. We love you, we miss you." The post served as a poignant reminder of Preston's loving presence and the joy she brought to her family.

These tributes by Hemsworth, Wahlberg, and Travolta not only celebrate the remarkable women in their lives but also serve as a reminder of the universal importance of mothers and maternal figures across the globe. Through their shared memories and messages of love, these stars have invited us to reflect on the enduring influence and unconditional love of the mothers and motherly figures in our own lives.

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